New beauty Kruti Karbanda has been introduced to the Telugu Screen through the film 'Boni' as a heroine opposite hero Sumant. She was born in Delhi and grown up in Bangalore. She expressed her feelings as – "I am happy for making an entry into the Telugu film industry through a good movie like 'Boni'. This movie was produced by Ramana Gogula in the direction of Raj Pippalla and has been released recently. 'Boni' is running with good openings. In this context, 'Boni' heroine Kruti was interviewed. Here are few of the excerpts of that exclusive interview……..
How did you get an opportunity to work in 'Boni'?
I am a model. So, some of the coordinators were having my photos with them. While this was one reason for getting a chance of acting in the film, the other one was that Ramana Gogula has seen me in an Ad and sent word to me. As a model I have faced the camera but no acting experience at all. So felt little tensed. I was confirmed as heroine after the photo session.
What kind of experience did this film give you?
Telugu language is totally new to me. Because of this reason, initially I faced little difficulty. But with the help of the unit members, I was able to manage it. We all worked together like a family members and did this film. As a heroine this is my first film, so all the memories relating to this film will be remembered through out my life. I have experienced various feelings while doing this movie. I feel very happy for working with such a good unit.
Do you have any film background?
No. I hail from a middle class family. My Father is doing business in Bangalore and my mother is a housewife. I have a younger sister and younger brother. Till now I lead the life of a normal girl. I still could not believe that I have become a heroine in film. I feel very thrilled.
Did you watch any Telugu movies after accepting this 'Boni' film?
I have seen many movies in Telugu in this one and half year. As I acted beside Sumant, I watched more of his movies based on action, sentiment, etc. But among all of them, 'Boni' is different.
Did you take any training relating to acting?
No. I never had an idea of becoming an artist. I thought of continuing in my modeling profession only. After committing 'Boni', to have some understanding about the Telugu language, Ramana Gogula made me undergo the training in this language.
In the present generation, heroines are getting an opportunity to do more of glamour roles only. So, are you ready to do those glamour roles?
I did glamorous role in 'Boni' but with a decent look. In my future movies also, I don't have any objection in doing glamorous role if it looks decent and is required for that movie, because the current trend requires glamour and we should be as per that trend. Inspite of all these, I have drawn a limitation line and will not do any exposing beyond that.
What did your parents say after watching 'Boni' film?
My parents never objected me while making modeling as my profession. They never disagreed to my decision of acting in 'Boni' film. They are giving me so much of support. After watching this movie, they appreciated my acting. Especially the words uttered by my mother – 'I am proud of you', gave me a joy that is inexpressible.
Normally, in what matters does your mother guide you?
My mother has a very good knowledge about costumes designing. The costumes worn by me in 'Boni' are not designed by her. In my personal life, all my dresses will be selected by her only. I will never go for shopping without her. She guides me in most of the things like – from selecting my dresses till my behaviour.
Now that 'Boni' is released….are you getting any offers for your next films?
I have two to three projects but will let you know after they are finalised.
What type of movies do you wish to do?
I will be happy, if I get movies like 'Boni'. In this film, equal importance is given to both hero and heroine characters. As per my opinion, I would prefer acting in movies that give importance to heroine characters also. In case I don't get such offers, then I will pick the better one out of which I get. I don't have any hard and fast rules of what type of movies to act in. If I like the story, my role then I will act even though it is a mass or class film.
Are you trying for Hindi films?
If I had an intention of becoming an artist, then may be I would have tried for Bollywood films. But I became heroine unintentionally. Since I made by debut as a heroine in Telugu film Industry, it would be very nice, I become busy here itself. At the same time, I will not reject, if I get offers from Bollywood Film Industry.
Will you settle in Hyderabad?
Presently I am residing in Bangalore. Basing on my future film projects, I will decide later where to stay.
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