Veteran Telugu playback singer P Suseela felicitated Oscar award winning music director AR Rahman richly at a function organized in Hotel Marriot on the night of 9 May. This function was also graced by the mother of AR Rehman. A title ‘Sur Shehanshah’ was conferred to AR Rehman by C Narayana Reddy. Suseela crowned AR Rahman with a swarna kireetam (golden crown) and adorned AR Rahman’s mother with swarna kankanam (golden bracelet).
Telugu music directors helped me in my beginning stages - AR Rahman
Responding to his felicitation AR Rehman said, “I did not come here for golden crown. I came here for a goldmine called P Suseela. If I adore any singer, it is nothing but P Suseela. It is a great honor bestowed on me and I would like to thank her. I would like to thank my guruji and I would be going to Kadapa from here and meet him. I want to thank Telugu lovers for encouraging my music. When I was in my +1, my family had lots of financial problems. Then Telugu music director Ramesh Naidu took me in his team for a year. After that I worked for Ilayaraja for a couple of years. Then Telugu music directors Raj and Koti called me offered work for six years. It was Telugu people who helped me in my initial days and I would be indebted to Telugu people for the help they offered me. Around 10 years back, T Subbirami Reddy promised me a house in Banjara Hills if I migrate to Hyderabad.”
AR Rahman crooned the words Jayaho on the request of crowds.
Singer Sandhya - niece of P Suseela organized the event successfully.
Telugu music directors helped me in my beginning stages - AR Rahman
Responding to his felicitation AR Rehman said, “I did not come here for golden crown. I came here for a goldmine called P Suseela. If I adore any singer, it is nothing but P Suseela. It is a great honor bestowed on me and I would like to thank her. I would like to thank my guruji and I would be going to Kadapa from here and meet him. I want to thank Telugu lovers for encouraging my music. When I was in my +1, my family had lots of financial problems. Then Telugu music director Ramesh Naidu took me in his team for a year. After that I worked for Ilayaraja for a couple of years. Then Telugu music directors Raj and Koti called me offered work for six years. It was Telugu people who helped me in my initial days and I would be indebted to Telugu people for the help they offered me. Around 10 years back, T Subbirami Reddy promised me a house in Banjara Hills if I migrate to Hyderabad.”
AR Rahman crooned the words Jayaho on the request of crowds.
Singer Sandhya - niece of P Suseela organized the event successfully.
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