Pawan Kalyan is undecided about his next venture Komaram Puli, the film had roped in top of the line technicians including A R Rehman as the music director and was supposed to release around the election time. The film has some radical thoughts and also some political leanings as its subject, but now there seems to be a delay in the film.
The apparent reason cited for the delay is that Pawan Kalyan is now focusing much on his election tours and so he is not finding time to act in the film, but the truth is something else, it is being felt by Pawan that the content of the film might send wrong political signals to the people and it may hamper the future prospects of PRP and so the contemplation to postpone.
Pawan Kalyan is in two minds, the delay is a financial loss and the release a political risk…. What to do now!!
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